Sunday, February 28, 2010

Gender Role

Over the course of the years the roles of men and women have changed dramatically. In the Feminist Manifesto, written by Loy, what role gender plays in the minds of the people can be contrived. Gender role is something that is ever changing and something that I have never given much thought to. The rights and privileges as I have known them throughout my life have always been that women are as equal to men every aspect of life itself. I was not born in a time when women had to fight for their right to vote and find it hard to imagine how strongly opposed these views once were. Loy was a women and one bent of finding equality in regards to all aspects of equality among the genders and especially in regards to sexual exploration. In the feminist Manifesto Loy is calling on all women to express themselves in all aspects of their life. Loy writes, “ -Professionalism and commercial careers are opening up for you- IS THAT ALL YOU WANT?” This line in particular addresses women to look at themselves to see if they are just settling for careers or do they want more?
Loy is imploring women to address all the issues that encapsulate equal gender rights which include freedom of sexual expression as this is a right that women have. Loy goes on to state, “there are no restrictions the women who is so incompletely evolved as to be un-self conscious in sex, will prove a restrictive influence on the temperamental expansion of the next generation; the women who is a poor mistress will be an incompetent mother – an inferior mentality and will enjoy an inadequate apprehension of Life.” Loy is suggesting that the women who do not enjoy themselves sexually will have something of an incomplete life. Depending on the morals one might have the sexual exploration push given by Loy might prove something of empowering. Although it seems that even nowadays when a women is more promiscuous as a whole they are referred to as sluts while if a man is promiscuous he is know as a player. It is interesting to note the general consensus that society plays on gender and how when one gender expresses themselves sexually they are gloried as when the other gender does they are demoted to having less value. I do believe that these judgments which are placed upon men and women of a society we are in reality downgrading each other. It is not right to herald the promiscuity of one gender and shun the other whatever your moral standards may be.
All in all I believe that Loy’s point about finding equality among gender in all aspects whether they be of sexual exploration or the privileges we all have the right to enjoy, neither should settle for something less than they deserve. Men and women in my mind are equal and as such are entitled to the same freedoms no matter what gender role they play.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Cochise: "I Am Alone"

“I Am Alone,” written by Cochise was for me a moving piece of writing. From reading the intro about Cochise, he one of the four main was a leader of the Chiricahua Apaches, one of the four main Apache groups. Cochise was one of the many Native Americans who fought to save his people and preserve their right to the land which he and his ancestors had occupied. “I Am Alone,” was part of a speech given by Cochise to the Americans of his time. This speech encapsulates many of the feelings and emotions he had experienced during much of the injustice placed upon him and his people.
Cochise begins his speech reliving his experiences along with those of his people during their time. He talks of the struggles they initially had with the Spanish and Mexican soldiers. Cochise explains that after some warring his people became strong and came to not fear the soldiers. Cochise then begins to describe his experiences with the white men as they came into his land. He describes them first as being friends and explains how his people treated them peacefully as they slowly came to establish themselves in his valley. Cochise describes his relationship with the whites as a cordial one as they did favors for him and his people and in return Cochise and his people returned these favors and gestures to the whites. As time continued to pass more and more whites made their way into the land and soon the favors which previously had been exchanged seemed to die out and war arose among the Chiricahua Apaches and the whites.
This speech continues on and its purpose is revealed. Cochise had made a treaty with the whites and after having found that this treaty involved them being subject to living on a harsh reservation he broke off the treaty which was what started the warring among the white and these certain apaches. One part of this speech seems to describe the feelings that Cochise had as he, being a leader for his people, had come to a decision concerning the salvation and best possible option for his people. Cochise simply dictates to those Americans, “I have come to you, not from any love for you or for your great father in Washington, or from any regard for his or your wishes, but as a conquered chief, to try to save alive the few people that still remain to me.” This part of Cochise speech speaks volumes as he comes before the American people destitute and war stricken. Cochise, being a leader for the Apaches does what he feels best which is to submit to the whites wishes and retain alive the remainder of his people.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Twain Brain

A concept often dwelt upon, but never realized are the conversations of our divine counterparts. There are many religions in the world today all having certain distinctions and doctrines that make up their beliefs. As we look at all of these different religions we can see that there exist among them many different ideas as well as many similarities between them. From Mark Twain’s “Letters from the Earth,” offers a unique perspective on the creation and the events leading up to it, and what transpired in the divine realms of what was Heaven. The Creator who is God sits upon his throne as he summons and councils with angels such as Gabriel and Michael. We see that there exists between them a respect and love. Satan is depicted as a very ungrateful son who is embittered by the new plans and creations of the great Creator. After so long Satan is banished and left with him is his building hatred and frustration of the Creator’s plan and work. As time continues forward Satan continues by sending letters about this new plot of land, called earth, as he sits and observes the on goings of the human race and all that was created here on this earth.
Without going into too much detail I did like how this piece of writing was able to capture a lot of the thoughts that Satan experienced and a lot of the emotions he felt about this plan and how he must have felt watching all this happen right before his eyes. Satan describes and depicts humans in there lowest forms and is talking about their many inconsistencies and frailties. Being somewhat familiar with the certain gospel doctrines I have heard many renditions of things like the fall of Adam and Eve, and the many different ideas that people often have about them. If anything I think Twain’s main difficulty was being able to think so distastefully about the human race and especially through the eyes of the devil. To encapsulate his aura and his being is an accomplishment that is daring to pursue.
Overall these few passages from “Letters from the Earth” shed new light on what many claim as truth and what many see for themselves. It can be hard to imagine events like this actually occurring and especially in this sort of capacity, but if anything Mark Twain allowed us to think outside of the box and explore our own minds, and to question for good or for bad what the Creator had in mind with earth and the people that inhabit it.